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Chinese elements in London

发布时间:2015-10-20  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

China continues to play an important role in London's trademark multiculturalism. Chinese visitors, students, cultural ambassadors, and investors all have a role to play in shaping the city that awaits President Xi Jinping.

London was once the largest city in the world thanks to colonial expansion, but those days are long gone. Still, London has become more fascinating than ever before because of its multi-culturalism. More than 8.6 million people live in the city and up to 40 percent of the residents come from other countries. Some 300 languages are spoken in the city, including Chinese.

Chinese elements in London

Chinese elements in London

Trafalgar Square in Central London has a steady stream of visitors all year and features a variety of celebrations and public gatherings. A large-scale Chinese art performance was even held in the square during the Chinese Lunar New Year in February. It is close to Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, and Big Ben, where Xi will visit during his stay in the UK this week.

London has a special bond with ancient Chinese culture. Along the canal, typical scenes of small bridges with green willows are established, and the former residence of late Chinese writer Lao She has been preserved.

The new Chinese culture is the city, too. London is dotted with a growing number of Chinese visitors, students, cultural events, and investment. That vividly demonstrates the expanding amount of exchanges and growing cooperation between the two countries.

中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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