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Global youth unemployments rate remains high

发布时间:2015-10-20  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The world still recovering from the economic meltdown of a few years ago. In many places, unemployments rate have recovered. Jobs are coming back and economies are growing once again. The youth unemployment rate is stabilizing, too. Yet, it remains above pre-crisis levels. In the mid-1990s, the global youth unemployment rate was just over 12%. Now it is over 13 percent. So why does it remain stubbornly high?

In a Washington DC classroom job hunters are learning some new skills. It's a program run by STRIVE DC - a non-profit that helps people find jobs. Among the generally older crowd is 20 year old Bryan Johnson.

He's looking to start a white collar career, but hasn't had much luck so far.

"People with a Fortune 500 company would rather hire the 35 year- old than the 21 year- old," Jobseeker Bryan Johnson said.

Young people face much higher unemployment than older people.According to the International Labor Organization, the global unemployment rate for people under 25 is thirteen percent. More than double the overall global unemployment rate.Leon Samuels is Executive Director of Strive. He says since the 2008 economic downturn, young jobseekers are facing more competition from older and more experienced applicants.

"The age range 18-24 were affected because now you have a lot of high -end college graduates taking entry level positions from low wage workers," Jr. executive director Leon Samuels said.

STRIVE DC's clients are often from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program helps with anything from wardrobe to transportation needs while giving younger clients tools to help compete with older, more polished jobseekers by teaching what they call soft skills.

"By soft skills, I mean learning how to smile, learning how to shake hands, learning how to show upon time. Learning how to make a resume and how to interview: Learning to do the little things first," Jr. executive director Leon Samuels said.

It's not as easy as it sounds.

"Hi I'm Bryan Johnson. I'm here for my 10 o'clock appointment...mm sorry."
Instructor: "BACK OF THE LINE!"

Cornelius Higdon is an instructor at STRIVE DC. He says it starts with a handshake.

"I walk in with a smile on my face, I shake the person's hand and I say "Good morning my name is Cornelius Higdon. I'm here for the 10:00 appointment for the customer service position," Employment trainer Cornelius Higdon said.

I give it a try.

"Hi, I'm Jim Spellman, I'm here for the the 10 o'clock customer service appointment."
Cornelius: "Great handshake, but you need to smile more."
Jim: "Aww! I'll work on it !"

Many young job seekers may not even realize they are leaving an unprofessional impression with potential employers.With a little more work Bryan makes some progress.Bryan tries handshake again from the back angle.-- class applaudsThe training won't replace experience, education or technical skills but Johnson says the program is giving him a boost.

"I believe, I will be more self confident in my abilities and skills as an employee," Johnson said.

Jim: "Do you think that self -confidence is going to be key "
Bryan: "Definitely."

中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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