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Barcelona's tradition Catalonian human tower comes to Shanghai

发布时间:2015-11-10  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Last weekend, 200 people from Barcelona brought their long-standing human tower tradition to downtown Shanghai.

With the sounding of a horn, 200-people began to build a human tower. Stepping on the backs and shoulders of their partners, climbing higher and higher, the team from Barcelona eventually reached the height of a two-story-building. The dizzying spectacle attracted many passers-by.

With the sounding of a horn, 200-people began to build a human tower. Stepping on the backs and shoulders of their partners, climbing higher and higher, the team from Barcelona eventually reached the height of a two-story-building.

With the sounding of a horn, 200-people began to build a human tower. Stepping on the backs and shoulders of their partners, climbing higher and higher, the team from Barcelona eventually reached the height of a two-story-building.

"It's the first time for me to watch this kind of performance. It's really exciting. The kids climbing up is really breathtaking," said a man named Tian Yu.

"I feel very excited, because it's like being in Barcelona but it's in Shanghai. It doesn't happen every day," said a man named Miquel Carvoma.

Human-tower building is a cultural event in Barcelona, where people traditionally wear white trousers and black sashes. The black sash is meant to support the back and is used as a grip by those who climb up the tower. A two-story tower needs around 200 people, with about 170 making up the base. A participant said the activity needs a lot of practice.

"You need to be attentive. You need to have a lot of strength. Everybody is welcome to participate. The more people on the base, the best for the tower. It's more secure," said a Miquel Ferret.

A human tower is finished when the last participant climbs to the very top of the tower with raised hands. Nine-year-old Calla was the final climber this afternoon.

A human tower is finished when the last participant climbs to the very top of the tower with raised hands. Nine-year-old Calla was the final climber this afternoon.

A human tower is finished when the last participant climbs to the very top of the tower with raised hands. Nine-year-old Calla was the final climber this afternoon.

In the Catalonian language Catalan, the word 'castell' means castle. Building a human castell is a tradition in Catalonian festivals dating back to the 18th century. It celebrates the Catalonian spirit of "strength, balance, courage, and reason." The tallest human tower on record is 10-people high.

"The human tower is one of the most iconic traditions in Catalonia. From my own point of view, it really fits with Chinese culture, because it's all about team work, effort, and getting higher and higher. And that's something that's actually fitting with Chinese culture," said Alexis Roig, president of Calatan Institute of China.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of ties between the cities of Shanghai and Barcelona. The event was part of the Barcelona Catalonia Culture Week that ended today.

Human-tower building is a cultural event in Barcelona, where people traditionally wear white trousers and black sashes. The black sash is meant to support the back and is used as a grip by those who climb up the tower.

Human-tower building is a cultural event in Barcelona, where people traditionally wear white trousers and black sashes. The black sash is meant to support the back and is used as a grip by those who climb up the tower.

中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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