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Report claims Russia is involved in doping scandal

发布时间:2015-11-11  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The World Anti-Doping Agency yesterday released a report that claims the Russian government covered-up positive doping tests for its athletes. WADA is seeking lifetime bans for five athletes, four coaches and one doctor. The commission also stated that the lab where tests were being conducted was not operating above board, and it has now been closed.

The WADA-commissioned report suggests that Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov be suspended from his duties. He was in charge of Russia's anti-doping laboratory during the Sochi Winter Olympics. And the facility in which he worked is now being shut after its accreditation was suspended by the World Anti-Doping Agency. The director of the Russian anti-doping agency says the laboratory did not do anything out of the ordinary.

"I believe problems obviously exist, but Russia is on the path to clear its name and change,” said Nikita Kamaev, Russian Anti-Doping Agency executive director.

“It is strange to talk about that for me, as if I am praising myself. But according to facts, and we use statistics of changes, the Russian anti-doping agency, based on the criteria suggested for the national agencies by the international agency itself, operates totally in accordance with that criteria and fights doping effectively enough."

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