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Europe pauses for a minute of silence

发布时间:2015-11-17  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

France and other countries in Europe observed a minute's silence at midday on Monday in memory of the victims of the worst-ever terrorist attacks on French soil.

In Paris, President Francois Hollande was at the Sorbonne University surrounded by his cabinet, and hundreds of people gathered at the central Place de la Republique near the site of many of the attacks that killed 132 people on Friday. Similar events were held at French embassies around the world.

French officials have identified a man they say is the suspected mastermind behind the killings as Belgian national Abdelhamid Abaaoud. He has been linked to a number of thwarted attacks. Meanwhile, French prosecutors say they have identified two more suicide bombers. 28-year-old Samy Amimour is said to have been involved in the massacre of 89 people in the Bataclan concert hall. The second man was carrying a Syrian passport in the name of Ahmad Al Mohammad. Authorities say the authenticity of the document has yet to be verified.

A huge manhunt is underway for those involved in the attacks. Belgian police also launched a major new operation on Monday in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, where several suspects in the Paris attacks had previously lived. French police are seeking Salah Abdeslam, a man who was questioned before being let go by authorities. The French Interior Minister said the police arrested 23 people and seized arms including rocket launchers during a wave of overnight raids.

"As for house arrests, in the last 48 hours I have issued 104 warrants for house arrest of people who are surveyed closely by our services. Additionally, throughout France overnight police and armed police, with the help of the central and regional branches of our intelligence services, carried out 168 raids in the homes of people under suspicion," said Bernard Cazeneuve, French interior minister.

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