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Historical expert bids farewell to the hit show 'Downton Abbey'

发布时间:2015-11-20  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

After six seasons of their hit TV show, it is hard for the actors of "Downton Abbey" to say goodbye. But spare a thought for the show's historical advisor, Alastair Bruce, who has been there from the beginning.

Filming of the final season wrapped up in August, and like the cast and crew, Bruce is feeling the pain.

Alastair Bruce, "Downton Abbey" Historical Advisor said:"I watched the last episode of the main series, and it's really special seeing something that you've helped with and worked with such a good crew and cast to deliver. And it is odd that it's coming to an end, but I think we all feel that we did our best, and we provided a product which I think has given an enormous amount of pleasure to a lot of people. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't matter. We feel that we delivered something that was quite good, and I will miss it."

"Downton Abbey"

People working on the show know Bruce as the "oracle" thanks to his encyclopaedic knowledge of all things historical.

From the outset, he has made sure props, costumes, and the way actors move and communicate fits the period. It begins with posture.

"When you're trying to deliver your lines, look moved, or sad, or happy, and at the same time you've got to keep your back straight and your shoulders back, and you've got to know exactly how to put on your gloves so you look elegant, and you've got to hold your neck right. It's a lot more to bear in mind, but they did it," said Bruce.

"Downton Abbey"

These are particular concerns for the "upstairs" characters, but the "downstairs" cast also received his deeply researched guidance.

Bruce also said:"People wrote letters a lot. Every single person who lived below stairs probably wrote about four or five letters in a month to their family, and in their letters what do they write about? They live a fairly regular routine, they hardly have any days off, they don't actually really have a day off, they have an afternoon off once every seven days. So, what are they writing about? What they're writing about is the life that they're living in absolutely graphic detail, to the point that it's actually so detailed that you have a lexicon from which to understand how the protocols worked."

"Downton Abbey" season six is available in the U.K. on Blu-Ray and DVD now. It will premiere Stateside on January 3rd on PBS.

Creator Julian Fellowes and the ensemble cast will say one last farewell with a Christmas special, airing in the U.K. on Christmas Day, 25th December.

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