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China hosts World Robot Conference for first time

发布时间:2015-11-25  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The World Robot Conference 2015 has opened in Beijing. Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a letter of congratulations to the event organizers, saying that China is willing to cooperate with other nations in promoting robotics research and development.

Scientists from around the globe meet to discuss the future of robots and provide a feast of some of the world's best robots' performances.

The Japanese robot named Geminoid is actually a household name in Japan. She is also a star in a movie. Her silica gel face can make 65 different expressions and she can even sing.

Or how about a personal trainer that never gets tired playing badminton? It is a product from Hong Kong's University of Science and Technology.

"Our robot uses the 3D image captured with its two eyes to identify the shuttlecock. It can make over ten kinds of different strikes," the inventor said.

And take a look at this champion robot from South Korea, an award winner. Under limited remote control, it can drive, or use a drill, using its own judgment of its environment.

Also take a look at the intricate robotic hands designed by the Harbin Institute of Technology. They spent 20 years on this project.

The robot can do 90 percent of the movements a human hand can do, through a glove that captures the motion of human hands.

"This hand is highly integrated. For instance, the motors and speed reducers are all integrated into the fingers. This makes the hand very small," said Gu Haiwei, Ph.D of Harbin Institute of Technology.

This is the first time China has held this conference and the organizer says it features multiple benefits.

"China has been the world's largest robot market for two years in a row. There's broad room for future development. This conference gives Chinese innovators a platform to learn, our companies a platform to cooperate, and it also encourages the spirit of innovation for our young people," said Xu Xuanlan, secretary general of World Robot Conference 2015.

Premier Li Keqiang said the conference is important in promoting robot technology, as China encourages more innovation-driven development and entrepreneurship to transform the country from the "world's factory" into a technological powerhouse.

 中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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