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UK mulls over action against ISIL, yet to be approved

发布时间:2015-11-30  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The United Kingdom is considering launching air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria. However, its defence minister Michael Fallon says the country has yet to drum up the support it needs to win parliamentary approval for the strikes. He said it would be "hugely damaging" to Britain's reputation if the government failed to win approval.

"Our argument is it is pretty dangerous not to act when you see a very direct threat to this country, when you are asked for help by France, when the United Nations requests all its members to assist. When you have the capability, the precision strike aircraft that could deal with this death cult in its headquarters in Raqqa. What happened in Paris a couple of weeks ago could happen in a British city -- innocent people slaughtered on a night out. ISIL is not making, by the way, demands," Fallon said.

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron said Sunday it is time to join the air strikes against Islamic State. But several of his own Conservative Party and some members of the opposition Labour Party are wary of entering into another war in the Middle East. Fallon said the government was holding talks with Labour lawmakers, and would like a vote to take place this week on the issue. Media reported the vote could be held Wednesday, but Cameron says he will not ask parliament until he can count on its approval. He hopes to avoid a repeat of his 2013 damaging defeat over strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces. Fallon said opinion "was beginning to shift" over the action. Some members of parliament now feel it is necessary to protect Britain from attacks like the ones staged in Paris.

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