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Zhangjiakou hosts ski events in countdown to 2022

发布时间:2015-12-10  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Having won its bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, China's winter resort town of Zhangjiakou, near Beijing, has hosted several skiing events.

This is the first ski season since Zhangjiakou won the bid to hold the Winter Olympics. The FIS Points Race China and the Far East Cup Race attracted over 200 athletes from countries such as Korea, Russia, and Japan. The competition is held in Chongli, a winter resort which will hold most outdoor events in the 2022 Winter Olympics. As it quickly builds up its reputation, it has attracted more events, both domestically and from abroad. Many are focused on training young athletes.

Tourism is also growing fast. In the first month of this ski season, Chongli attracted over two hundred thousand tourists, up 30 percent from last year. The Chongli International Ski Festival will last for five months until April next year.

The winter Olympics is still years away, but all the preparation efforts are well underway. This is because the town can't wait to showcase its role as the most popular winter resort in North China.

中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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