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Pakistani vessels arrive in Shanghai

发布时间:2015-12-29  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Two naval ships from Pakistan arrived in Shanghai on Monday on a goodwill mission.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

The two naval ships received a warm welcome upon arrival. They docked at Wusong naval jetty in Shanghai, their port of call in China.

"This is my first visit, but the ships of Pakistan Navy have been visiting China regularly, we hope to do that in the future as well...We have over 600 personnels coming over here to interact with Chinese friends. It's a great opportunity that we meet and learn from our Chinese friends" Cdre Bilal Abdul Nasir Si, commander of 25th Destroyer Squadron, Pakistan Navy, said.

The oil tanker and frigate will remain open for two days to public visitors, before they carry out the main task behind their visit to China.

After one month's sailing, the two Pakistani naval ships arrived in Shanghai, ahead of the China-Pakistan bilateral naval exercise. The exercise is reaffirming the bonds of mutual friendship.

The Pakistani naval delegation will call on their Chinese counterpart commander of the East Sea Fleet at the Shanghai Naval Garrison, as well as senior officials from the Shanghai Municipal Government.

"We'll be exercising various maritime warfare activities, which include dissembling warfare, warfare exercises, and seamanship exercises," Captain Rizwan Khalid Ti, commanding officer of PNS Shamsheer said.

"It was built in Shanghai in 2010 and was commissioned to Pakistan navy recently. It's the second of the navy's four ships, of which three were built in Shanghai, China, the last one in Karachi. That's a collaboration between Pakistan and China," Lt. CDR Abdur Rehman, executive officer of PNS Shamsheer said.

The vessels had set sail for China from Pakistan on October 23rd. Upon completion of the goodwill mission and joint exercise, the Pakistani ships will head on further to the ports of Ho Chi Minh city and Jakarta.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

Pakistan Navy ships arrive in Shanghai on a 4-day goodwill mission.

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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