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CES shows off latest innovation

发布时间:2016-01-08  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The world's largest consumer electronics show, CES, has kicked off in Las Vegas. The show is famous for the release of literally thousands of the latest tech products.

It's being called the world's fair of innovation. Roughly 200,000 people are expected to stop by CES venues this year.

Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, delivers a keynote speech during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show

Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, delivers a keynote speech during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

An attendee (L) shows interest in smartwatch products during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show

An attendee (L) shows interest in smartwatch products during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

"The list of CEO's from Fortune 500 companies, the head of every major retailer will be here," said Gary Shapiro, president & CEO, Consumer Technology Association.

"So many auto companies are here because everyone's a technology company, everyone wants to see the trends and all the marketers are here because they want to see the interplay between content and technologies."

That interplay is happening with old guard tech titans like Sony, which is partnering with a more youthful brand.

Youtube is providing spaces equipped with Sony High-resolution 4K cameras to allow amateurs to produce professional quality videos.

"In the last year alone, over 25 billion hours of 4K content got viewed on YouTube. And that number is exploding now. So, we're really excited where it's heading, and once you see 4K it's really hard to go back," said Lucas Watson, VP, Global Brand Solutions, Youtube.

"Sony is taking connectivity to all areas of your life. Like when I go to sleep, I can use this to control that light bulb which produces stereo sound. And that glass speaker actually vibrates to create 360 degrees of sound," CCTV reporter Mark Niu said.

And, Sony's new projector can project an 80-inch image almost anywhere.

A GoPro product which could be used by scuba divers is showcased during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show

A GoPro product which could be used by scuba divers is showcased during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

Chinese tech companies are also making a big impression on the CES stage. Huawei unveiled four new products, including two new smartwatches for women and the Mate8 smartphone, which claims a battery life of more than two days.

"We are investing for the Consumer Business group about 70 percent of our head count for R&D. It's quite unique. It's a very R&D driven kind of company. So there are so many innovations," said Glory Cheung, Chief Marketing Officer, Huawei Consumer BG.

Chinese companies are present at CES not only in greater numbers, but also in a wider product spectrum - everything from phones to drones to TV's and much, much more.

Attendees visit the Intel Corp. booth during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show

Attendees visit the Intel Corp. booth during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

An attendee tries out a racing simulator at Hisense

An attendee tries out a racing simulator at Hisense's booth during the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

 Attendees visit the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show

Attendees visit the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States, Jan. 6, 2016. The CES 2016 opened on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, spanning the largest exhibit floor in the show's 49-year history featuring more than 20,000 new products. (Xinhua/Yang Lei)

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