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Commenmorating world's greatest musicians

发布时间:2016-01-08  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The world was their stage, and even after they left it, their music and legacies live on. Today, we commemorate three men who have shaped our musical world - Michael Jackson, Craig Strickland, and Pierre Boulez.

New Michael Jackson documentary by Spike Lee

New Michael Jackson documentary by Spike Lee

New Michael Jackson documentary by Spike Lee

Spike Lee's new documentary, "Michael Jackson's Journey from Motown to Off the Wall", will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and air in February during Black History Month.

In a recently released clip, a young Michael Jackson is seen talking to a 20/20 reporter in 1980 about going solo. He says he doesn't feel guilty leaving his brothers to strike out on his own.

Sony Music's Legacy Recordings will also re-release Jackson's revolutionary 1979 album, "Off the Wall."

Craig Strickland featured in "Torn"

Craig Strickland featured in "Torn"

Craig Strickland featured in "Torn"

Meanwhile, fans of Arkansas-based country-rock band, Backroad Anthem, are commemorating lead singer Craig M. Strickland, who has died in Oklahoma.

Strickland and a friend were reported missing on Dec. the 27th during a duck-hunting trip on Lake Kaw. Their capsized boat was found the same day.

The 29-year-old is featured in the music video for his band's fan-favorite song, "Torn."

French conductor Pierre Boulez dies at 90

French conductor Pierre Boulez dies at 90

French conductor Pierre Boulez dies at 90

And Pierre Boulez, former Principal Conductor of the New York Philharmonic, has died at the age of 90.

Born in Montbrison, France, in 1925, Boulez initially studied mathematics as a youth before switching to music. Among his most famous compositions is 'Le Marteau Sans Maitre' or 'The Hammer Without A Master', a setting of surrealist poetry by Rene Char for six instruments and alto voice.

He turned more and more from composition to conducting, succeeding Leonard Bernstein to lead the New York Philharmonic, then went on to conduct the BBC Symphony Orchestra during the 1970s. His recordings won more than 25 Grammys.

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