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International Kite Festival in India fosters peace

发布时间:2016-01-14  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Kites in the shape of frogs, kites in the shape of Spider Man, and kites even small enough to fit through the eye of a needle! These are among the creative wonders in the skies of Gujarat, a western state in India.

It's the creation of kite enthusiasts from New Zealand taking part in the International Kite Festival.Hundreds of kites of all shapes and sizes take to the skies during the four-day event, organised by Gujarat's tourism department.

Organisers say kite flyers from 29 countries are taking part, many of them regulars who return every year with new designs. This year, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs are popular inspirations.

 The International Kite Festival there marks the end of Winter and brings in participants from all over the world.

The International Kite Festival there marks the end of Winter and brings in participants from all over the world.

"Well there is, we are all different languages, all different countries and different cultures. But the sky - that is what we like. We like to fly kites: one sky, one world. So that is, we want to have peace, that is a message of peace," said Johan Van Eeckhout, Kite enthusiast from Belgium.

Visitors pose for a selfie as a giant kite collapses behind them. But at this festival, bigger isn't necessarily better.

These miniature kites are the creations of Dr. Devinder Pal Singh Sehgal, a forensic scientist from Chandigarh in northern India. He holds the Indian Limca Book record for making the smallest kite in the world - small enough, apparently, to fit through the eye of a needle!

The kite market in Ahmedabad is buzzing. It includes vendors selling kite strings coated with glue and glass powder. This is to make them sharp enough to cut through the strings of other kites in competition.

Back at the main festival, some participants are getting particularly creative: this "kite" is made out of foam in the shape of a bird - though of course the killer kite strings are a mortal threat to real birds!

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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