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Medvedev: We may have slid back into Cold War

发布时间:2016-02-14  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Top diplomats from the West and Russia are discussing policy in Munich, but there's significant and diverging opinions on both sides, so much so that there's talk of another 'Cold War'.

Far from a softening of language between Russia and the west - the rhetoric is hardening.

"NATO's policy in regard to Russia remains unfriendly and opaque - one could go as far as to say we have slid back to a New Cold War," said Dmitriy Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister.

Moscow's misgivings are many - but the skies over Syria remain the current focal point for tensions. Russian bombs are still falling - it says on terrorist targets.

Western diplomats insists the majority are moderate opposition groups they want at the negotiating table within days. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke of a growing sense of fear in the conference hall - that time for a peaceful solution may be running out.

"This is the moment; this is a hinge point. Decisions made in the coming days and weeks, and few months - could end the war in Syria, or it could define a very difficult set of choices for the future," Kerry said.

Both sides here talked of dialogue - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg suggested re-starting the NATO-Russia Council -- suspended two yars ago over the conflict in Ukraine.

But the mood here is darker - even than just 24 hours ago.

It seems extraordinary that anyone might make comparisons with 1962 - the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis.But it's been mentioned on more than one occasion here.There are clearly moves to improve channels of communication between Moscow and NATO countries - but is it to thaw relations or simply to better manage a more permanent state of tension.

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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