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Global leaders meet in Munich to tackle growing threat

发布时间:2016-02-15  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The talks focused on the threat ISIL militants pose- with growing concern over Libya. The UN's special envoy to the country remains confident a unity government can be formed, although delegates are worried about the lack of progress.

With up to 6,000 fighters in Libya - ISIL has vowed more attacks. For delegates here in Munich, it's a crisis that cannot be ignored.

ISIL took advantage of the political crisis in the country to gain more ground. There's already talk that the air campaign in Syria and Iraq could go to Libya. Given what happened the last time, it's a concern for many European policymakers. Among the opponents of possible airstrikes former UN Chief Kofi Annan.

"This is not a specifically Muslim problem. A World Bank survey in 2011 showed that about 40% of those who joined rebel movements say they are motivated by lack of job. Bearing these facts in mind, it becomes obvious that another war on terror, this time in Africa, is no more likely to succeed than the previous one," Annan said.

Many see the fact that Africa hasn't been a major talking point as a positive - a sign the continent is overcoming some of its past difficulties. But there are also real concerns - that Libya, and its neighbours, could prove fertile ground for Islamic State. And that urgent action is needed to prevent that.

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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