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Increase violence dims hopes for Syria aid

发布时间:2016-02-15  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Tensions are still mounting in Syria just days before a cessation of hostilities is meant to take hold.

Turkey shelled Kurds in northern Syrian for a second day - despite calls to halt the bombardments from NATO allies.

France didn't stop there. Paris wants an immediate end to all airstrikes-including ones carried out by the Syrian government and Russia.

Kurdish forces are advancing on Aleppo - gaining ground ahead of a proposed ceasefire set to begin sometime next week.

Ankara says it's intent on keeping Syrian Kurds from joining forces with their Turkish counterparts. And Russia also continues bombing Syrian rebel groups.

Observers say the escalating violence dims hopes for humanitarian intervention.

Russian President Vladamir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama and discussed the worsening situation by phone on Saturday.

The Kremlin released a statement saying "both sides gave a positive assessment, both in terms of humanitarian aspects and to develop modalities for the cease-fire, and in promoting the launch of a real political process."

The White House released a statement, saying Obama ".emphasized the importance now of Russia playing a constructive role by ceasing its air campaign against moderate opposition forces in Syria."

But as global leaders negotiate, and the UN prepares humanitarian aid-more military resources are heading to the region.

Saudi Arabia deployed warplanes to Turkey.

The move lends credence to an Ankara-Riyadh ground offensive in Syria. A possibility that Turkey has already mentioned. There is no clear deadline for the ceasefire to commence. For now, diplomats say keeping open a humanitarian corridor to besieged Aleppo is a top priority.

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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