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Phil Collins on re-releasing solo albums

发布时间:2016-02-26  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Phil Collins has stepped out of the retirement he announced in 2011. He's back now with reheated versions of his previous work, but is also planning new material as well.

Singer and drummer Phil Collins is re-releasing all eight of his solo albums, each remastered, and he's putting out a CD of demos and live recordings, many that weren't released before.

Singer and drummer Phil Collins

Singer and drummer Phil Collins

The multiple Grammy-winner says it's a good time to re-discover his music, and he's hoping some of his famous fans will encourage others to get on board.

"Some artists like Adele, or Pharrell Williams, or Beyonce, or Lorde kind of cite me as an influence. And Kanye West - he apparently has mentioned something - and I only hear about these things because my daughter tells me," he said.

"Lily calls me and says, 'Did you hear that? Did you read that?' I'm very flattered by that, and I think there's a lot of people out there that may think, 'OK, let's see what all the fuss is about.'"

Collins says he's starting to work on new music, which would be his first since his 2002 album "Testify".

2002 album "Testify"

2002 album "Testify"

"The new music - I don't know what it's going to be like. I mean I've got a song that I wrote a while ago when me and (wife) Orianne (Cevey) were separated," he said.

"So you know what kind of song that is but (laughs) - slow, boring one - and I've got lots of bits. That's probably where, well, I might start putting music to those lyrics that I've written, but otherwise I usually start working on bits that are unfinished, and that gets the taste. You start getting in the groove again."

Collins announced his retirement amid mounting health issues, including nerve problems that kept the father of five from drumming because he could no longer grip with his left hand. But he says his arm is better, and he thinks he could just learn to play a different way. He's even thinking of doing some mini tours.

"I'm now considering doing some shows. Like two or three years ago I'd said no, but now I'm living with the boys. They're urging me to do some new stuff, and they're urging me to do some shows so they can come and see it, but I wouldn't do a tour," he said.

"I mean, I would do some shows, but Billy Joel has given the example of how it can be done, and apparently Bryan Adams does the same thing. He goes out for a couple of weeks, two or three weeks, and then has a two- or three-week break."

Collins is also spilling the secrets on some of his songs, saying that some of the lyrics were improvised.

中文国际网摘编GAN JADE

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