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Cases of severe malnutrition on the rise in Malawi中文国际网摘编:GAN JADE
India caste unrest leaves ten million without water in Delhi中文国际网摘编:GAN JADE 
Related reading:WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The United States and Russia announced Monday the plan for a cessation of hostilities in Syria that..
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held talks Tuesday with visiting US Navy Admiral Harry Binkley Harris Junior, Commander of the United States Pacif..
But what exactly is THAAD? And what features make it so controversial?This is what the U.S. military calls THAAD --- Terminal High Altitude Area D..
After meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron in Brussels, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said there is no "plan B"..
Tensions are still mounting in Syria just days before a cessation of hostilities is meant to take hold.Turkey shelled Kurds in northern Syrian for..
Libya’s Presidential Council has announced the formation of a revised unity government. The move on Sunday aims to end the chaos that has eng..
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