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The first G20 Sherpa Meeting has opened in Beijing, with senior officials discussing preparations for September’s summit in Eastern China’s..
Kites in the shape of frogs, kites in the shape of Spider Man, and kites even small enough to fit through the eye of a needle! These are among..
US President Barack Obama is delivering his final State of the Union address in Capitol Hill. White House officials have said for weeks that Obama..
At least 56 people have been killed and about 100 others wounded in two suicide bombings in West Libya.Thursday's first and deadliest attack happen..
Related reading:PARIS, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- A government official on Thursday said investigators looking into the attempted attack on police officers i..
The world was their stage, and even after they left it, their music and legacies live on. Today, we commemorate three men who have shaped our mu..
The famed Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has opened, with 30 teams contending in its International Ice Sculpture Competition. The endeavor requires he..
The world's largest consumer electronics show, CES, has kicked off in Las Vegas. The show is famous for the release of literally thousands of the..
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